"You like to explain, to describe, to host, to speak in public, and to write...Ideas are a dry beginning. Events are static. You feel a need to bring them to life, to energize them, to make them exciting and vivid. And so you turn events into stories and practice telling them. You take the dry idea and enliven it with images and examples and metaphors." - pg. 90 of Now, Discover Your Strengths (Buckingham & Clifton)

Does this sound like you...?

Monday, June 29, 2009

Adult interaction is still important!

One of my Communication friends has moved several times. She shared with me that being a stay-at-home Mom gives her the time to stay connected with old friends, something working Moms really struggle with.

As for her local friendships, she started a book club (one that actually has to turn people away because it has become so popular) as a way to share her thoughts and stay connected with adults on everything from fiction to self-help books.

One of these days I'm going to channel my Achiever theme to getting the book read in time to actually attend one of the meetings...I hear they are big fun! Maybe I'll even lobby for one of the Gallup books to be highlighted to share this cool StrengthsFinder tool with more women!

You are entertainers!

My two Communication friends capture my kids' attention the minute we walk in the door...It's the voice, and the eyes, and the pure enthusiasm they have in the way they talk about anything from peanut butter and jelly to the new fish in the aquarium who looks like Nemo.

They use metaphors to explain things to the kids in a way that makes perfect sense to them. Kids LOVE Communication moms!

How do you use your Communication theme?

Friday, June 26, 2009

Looking for contributors to this site!

If you have Communication as one of your themes we would love your input to this site. Please contact me at courtneybriggswrites@gmail.com, or post your comments here.